Summary: A boy, named Teremut, born in the 22nd century receives news that his destiny is much more intertwined with the glory of ancient Egypt than he had ever hoped possible. His father built a special time machine, one that could transport Terem's being into the mind of the one boy who could have changed Egypt forever; the young King Tutankhamen.
I have just barely finished this one and have it available through You can order your own simple copy for $5.50 if you want, just follow this link to Lulu
The Last Night or Mercenary's Price
Note: While on my mission in Spain, I had a dream about something like this. I had the feeling that this might actually happen to us one day in the future. The side that you're fighting for might seem to be hopeless, or even the wrong side. I feel as though many will fall and succumb to this fear, leaving an even fewer number to fight for what's right.
1st Draft2nd Draft
3rd Draft
4th Draft
5th Draft (final draft)